Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Still Getting Used to My New Blogging Shoes

Okay. I admit that I am still getting used to this whole concept of blogging...of writing something...adding something to the blog on a regular basis. I enjoy it when I do it. I really enjoy rambling...er...I mean writing and I usually have a point of view on most things. I am going to try to get into more of a habit of writing in here. I am going to make the time...if only to have a place to blow off mental steam. Enough of the mea culpas. I am back writing. I plan to keep at it. I hope I eventually get someone to read all this! Until then, and probably after, I am doing this for an audience of one...me!

And I only hate this about half the time!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A New Day in Illinois?

As I am writing this, the Illinois Senate is deliberating on whether or not to to boot Hot Rod Blagojevich out of office. I am surprised it is taking as long as it is, as it does seem a foregone conclusion. Who ever thougth that Pat Quinn would be governor? I am happy for him because I am sure it is about the only way he could become governor...and because he has spent the last 6 years shackled to the governor like some bad, political version of a bad prison escape movie. Quinn is nice, sincere, moral and untouched by his ticketmate's political and legal yuckiness. Nevertheless, there is something about him that is just a bit odd...in a good, crusaderish way...but still. Oh well, anyone will be better than Rod! Wait a minute...isn't that what we said as we were electing George Ryan's replacemen? Isn't that how we got Hot Rod in the first place? Fool us once...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.
--Robert Louis Stevenson

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we
must carry it with us or we find it not.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.
--Albert Einstein

The First Step

I am trying to figure out this interesting animal called Blog. I am trying to figure out what blogs are, why I (or anyone) should care about them, whether I should consider doing one for work, whether I should consider encouraging or discouraging others at work to do one, and oh so many other things!

As a testament to my struggle, this is the second time I am writing this. The first, in my attempt to format it, disappeared into the ether. Oh well. I beg your patience if this shows up twice. I beg your indulgence as I grumble about it...but only for a second.

I really don't know what I have planned for this blog at the moment. Perhaps I will start a serial novel, like a 21st century Dickens, giving you a few paragraphs of my golden prose at an installment. Perhaps I will just use this to rant and rave about various things like the current, for the moment, Illinois governor, or the current, unfortunatetly not just for the moment, really cold tempratures outside. I will try not to use it as an advertising space, except when I can't help it!

I think I have rambled on enough for the time being. No use scaring off readers before I got 'em. Thank you if you bothered to read this! I hope to be more interesting in the future!